Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know: Part 2
Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know: Part 1
Brighton Sceptics and the Reece’s Pieces
Getting AI to write a Thesis on Transgender and Non-binary Archaeology.
The Muddling of the American Mind – Part II
The Muddling of the American Mind: Part I
On the Sex Deracination Gambit
The Decline and Fall of Science-based Medicine
On the Ontology and Epistemology of Sex
A Simple Challenge to Homeopaths
by Andy L in featured 288
Homeopaths are feeling under threat at the moment and are scrambling around wondering what to do about it. I think there are a number of things they could do: most importantly, they should better manage their own business by showing that they respect the boundaries of what they can reasonably [read more...]
What the Steiner Waldorf School Movement did not want you to read.
by Andy L in featured 140
Earlier this month, Grégoire Perra was finally acquitted in a French court after the Federation of Waldorf Steiner Schools in France decided to sue Grégoire Perra, a former Steiner teacher, for publishing a critique of the schools and the anthroposophy movement. The trial appears to have collapsed as the court accepted that [read more...]