• Law

    The Illusion of Proof: Confirmation bias and the Lucy Letby Case

    Conspiracy theorists fall victim to a fundamental misunderstanding of how to evaluate and synthesise evidence. It’s not that they believe despite a lack of evidence, but rather that they fail to recognise how the evidence they possess is insufficient to support their improbable claims about the world. While conspiracy theorists actively seek out evidence, their first error is confirmation bias – the tendency to search for information that supports their theory, while disregarding or swiftly dismissing counterarguments. They accumulate a collection of facts that align with their beliefs, relying on the sheer volume of evidence to convince themselves that they [read more...]
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Charles Darwin and Homeopathy

by Andy L in featured 76

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It allows you check stuff, like the claims of quacks, in a way that was not possible just a few years ago. This blog entry would have taken many months of library work and correspondence without the web and some of its amazing content, [read more...]

Is Chiropractic X-raying Illegal?

by Andy L in chiropractic 24

Chiropractors have achieved a status amongst practitioners of alternative medicine that is almost unrivalled. In the UK, they have achieved a level of mainstream acceptance, regulation and recognition that must be the envy of homeopaths and herbalists. Such is their standing that I suspect that many people would not even [read more...]