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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
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Please feel free to leave comments on any of the blog entries, or general comments here. I accept comments from all, critical or supportive.
I will only delete comments if they are offensive or not in the good spirit of debate, or are so far of topic that it can only be seen as trolling.
If you wish to post as Anonymous then please try not to do the following four things that almost all anonymous posters do:
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Great idea, only I fed the duck two of the most fraudulent websites I know for support for learning disabilities and the duck went for them hook line and sinker (mixing metaphors).
System may as yet need some tweaking.
I enjoyed the site. I must confess however that after being a very skeptical consumer I have fallen for acupunture. It simply works for my lower back is totally anecdotal, and I still don't buy into the whole "chi" redirected energy thing. However I can't deny the very real pain, and muscle relaxation effect that it has on me. So am I still allowed to poopoo other alternative remedies? chiropractic, homeopathic, ect.? It is very disturbing, as my natural tendency is to dismiss them all as rubbish.
You might find this government funded report on CAM usage by cancer suffers an interesting contribution to the debate about how far CAM should be required to submit to the same evidential criteria as allopathic medicine.
If you haven't the time to read it all. the last paragraph of the section entitled "Description of the Literature" makes the argument, though why we have to waste £150,000 of public money to reach such an obvious conclusion still escapes me.
Today is 21 February 2008.
Quackometer works again!!!
Dear LeCanard... Oh, no!!! :)
Dear Phoenix!!!
Dear Andy Lewis,
I congratulate you with second birth of your brilliant blog!
I wish your blog to become more better (if it still possible :))
And I wish you Happiness and Health!
Keep it up!
Good Luck! :)
With the link to the BNP site, can you post a NSFW (not safe for work) warning. Where I work I can get into trouble for looking at sites like this.
Let's have a look at the lies and deceit of Big Pharma shall we? Oh and I notice both you and Gimpy have your websites linked to Sense About Science which come up on the site list of my Zone Alarm.
Here's something for you to get your teeth into. Let's see if you have the guts to post this:
Drug 'reports' found to be faked
Firms misrepresented some research results, slew of cases suggest 22nd June 2009
Ghosted Journal Articles Undermine Integrity of Medicine
Wednesday, 05 August 2009
You are NOT going to post my comment. I dare you! I shall inform Dana of your cowardice. I expect you are in the pay of SAS.
So Lou Hom. You think you can defend the excesses of homeopathy by tackling pharmaceutical companies. What a shallow world.
I dont need scientific proof re the benefits of Homeopathy.
My 10 yr old daughter who is asthmatic has had outstanding results.
I have also experienced personal success with a problem alopathic medecine has failed to sort out.
I think its a great shame that people cannot be open minded as there is a place for both methods of medecine.
Both homeopaths and normal doctors need to be regulated.
My husbands cancer was undetected by our local doctor... a massive misadventure according to Hammersmith hospital.
He died last week aged 45.
I am sorry to hear about the tragedy of your husband.
I would just like to say that ozone therapy is currently being used in Russian and Cuban hospitals and has been used in Germany for the last 60 years.
If you are the real Louise Mclean then why are you not responding on the post about you?
Ozone Therapy, The Homeopath and Savage Grace
There are some serious questions you really need to think about.
But first, your comment. If Ozone Therapy is used somewhere in the world this does not mean that a) it is effective and/or b) your clinic in the Caribbean carries out the technique effectively.
The big question: what due diligence did you undergo before deciding you wanted to act as an agent for the Sante Caribe ozone Therapy Centre?
Half an hour research by by revealed a string of unproven claims and that the centre was being run by people that any person ought to have high misgivings about. No medical qualifications for two. Arrests and serious charges. Struck off doctor, the third, with allegations of child molestation.
By recommended these people, do you not feel any responsibility for ensuring that what you are doing is in your clients' best interests? Are you so blinded by your self belief and your homeopathy fantasies that you can no longer tell right from wrong? Is it sufficient for you that these people make nice alt med like claims for you to send terminally ill people off to them without further regard?
I would be most interested in your response.
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