Hot on the heels of the new killer magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You we are seeing an explosion of new titles trying to mimic its success.
Here is the original and a raft of copycat titles.

If the original has disturbed you, and the associated threats to sue Simon Singh for daring to suggest that this title was irresponsible, please see,
Quack rag distributor threatens to sue Singh: relevant links and what you can do
I love the last one as a deconstruction of marketing. Only thing missing is the free cover mounted fairtrade chocolate bar (with organic natural antioxidants) lovingly hand made by happy smiling people.
To whom it may concern
Tell British parents nhs dentists have put deadly toxic mercury poison in child tooth fillings that leak mercury poison and vapors into their children, give a copy of the manufacturers health warnings to the parents so they can protect the child and watch for signs of hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the deadly poison fillings that leak. Tell them how to detoxify the poison from the children. And in the future give parents an informed choice. Don’t let the (nhs) just put poison into to people without informing people of the toxic danger involved.
Dear AC Fontaine,
Stop talking balls. Oh, and write proper sentences.
i have only informed you of the facts so just face the truth and don’t hide in your little prison that you live in that small mind you call yore brain my sentences r fine i am trying to save lives of innocent children please do not reply if you do not care for the innocent.
You are trying to spread scaremongering, not facts.
i can see that you are working for the people who put poison into people and fail to tell them so why don’t you just drink a glass full of the poison if you think its ok then get back to me as a poltergeist with a seyonce.
I can see that you have nothing beyond inaccurate ad hominems and strawman arguments.
mojo this is the last time i will write to you, i have educated myself i have all the scientific data needed before i make any comment on dental practices. so fluoride is a grade 2 listed toxic poison and silver amalgam fillings are 50%mercury poison that leak poison and vapour and it is killing me.The parents of 7 year old British children are not told by the dentists that they have just put a deadly poison into that child, as a parent i am horrified. mojoooooooooooooooooooooo
[citation needed]
Please provide some details on how to detoxify children from the terrible poisons in their fillings! And I know many adults who have a mouth full of fillings. Are they in danger too? You seem to know what you’re talking about, so please tell us, what can be done? PLEASE HELP!!!
(With apologies to Edgar Allan…)
i will get back to you on the detox for children. As for adults boron or borax for fluoride poison should be monitored by your GP will get back to you with details for mercury poison detox good luck remove the poison fillings fast i am getting better since i removed mine and so are my colleagues that have removed the poison.
I KNOW U R AFRAID it is true so you have to deal with it i know you prefer to think they r safe poor boy grow up and face it they put poison into the public and did not tell them of the deadly health risk they new all about boy! do like my balls now!
I have no opinion on your balls. I am surprised that you wish to place an appreciation of them into the public domain yet seem offended by conservation and display of Ancient Egyptian mummies.
If you wish to place on record that your male organs of generation are of the size and perfect firm fuzzy quality of a pair of fine peaches then I’m not sure this is the best forum.
I think r/balls would be the right place for that, so I encourage AC to go to there.
nice one Vicky you made me laugh well done! but all of you will shortly find out every word i have printed is correct, so when i say i don’t care what any of you think i mean it. why because the only thing that matters is the truth! being rude solves nothing.I have spent years researching fine i knew i would face this type of response because the issue is a shocking horror.but like i said its you choice what you accept as fact me or your dentist that put the poison in you! i did not poison you but i am letting you know that you have been poisoned!
Actually, I’m suddenly worried that his “like” could be a typo for “lick” and his invitation just became a whole lot more unpleasant.
[edited: large cut and paste sections will be deleted. Please link to sources and discuss.
Dear Mr Fontaine
Your presence here is tolerated for the amusement of my loyal and regular visitors. Please do not make it hard to maintain that by making me work to keep the blog in shape. Keep answers short, relevant, engaging and polite. Many thanks.]
Your doctor would tell you, the ecg looks a bit fucked up (but not necessarily dangerous). But I’m sure it’s very holistic.
everyone has to make a buck right – even if they have to lie to do it eh??
not when some one dies slowly because of the lie you can keep yor lies the world does not need any more liars.
To whom it may concern
Tell British parents nhs dentists have put deadly toxic mercury poison in child tooth fillings that leak mercury poison and vapors into their children, give a copy of the manufacturers health warnings to the parents so they can protect the child and watch for signs of hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the deadly poison fillings that leak. Tell them how to detoxify the poison from the children. And in the future give parents an informed choice. Don’t let the (nhs) just put poison into to people without informing people of the toxic danger involved.
esoteric???? lol thats funny coming from you.
Let’s be more positive.
“What Quacks Don’t Tell You” is bound to be a best seller!
Brillant but I am looking forward to the catholic one “what the papacy don’t tell you”
Couldn’t resist:
What Astronomers Don’t Tell You
@Dave: Do it yourself!
That is wonderful.
What Chemists Don’t Tell You
Out now! What Plumbers Don’t Tell You
Available from all Alternative Supermarkets.
what the BBC did not tell you
I remember back in the 80s a magazine called Private Lies, I think the responsibility of Captain Bob, came out, satirising and satirical magazine (if that’s possible). Perhaps some folks with a bit of cash to spare could club together and fund one of these. I’m sure some skeptical bloggers could put a few articles together and no doubt there are some adverts we could knock up. Anyone got a John Bull printing set we could use?
Another example of the unassailable power of the medical profession. You satirise everyone except doctors. Meanwhile, they continue to add to the pharmaceutical industry’s massive wealth by prescribing dangerous, and often ineffective, drugs. Perhaps you think they are disinterested parties. “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” at least attempts to provide people with the other side of the story so that they can make an informed choice and not be bullied and frightgened into swallowing everything their doctor decides to prescribe for them.
The problem, Steve, is that WDDTY does not look like the “other side” of any story but seems to be a jumbled mish-mash of confusing misinformation that actually detracts from the quality of any public debate over Big Pharma’s misdeeds.
It helps no one to misrepresent the facts about medicine and to present alternatives that appear, frankly, cuckoo.
As a fan of the New Scientist’s fruitloopery page, I LOVE these… quite brilliant. Can dream up more worrying ones, though, like: What Politicians Don’t Tell You, and more sombrely, What Arms Traders Don’t Tell you.
Not all of these problems with quacks can be blamed on them alone. Once I rang to report a boy of 9 had developed Bell’s Palsy and the GP refused to see him and said I was hysterical; when a professional behaves this way some people will turn to quacks and nutjobs with a better manner on the grounds the doctor is ignorant and this quack accepts the obvious whereas the doctor tells the patient lies. For the record the boy did have Bell’s Palsy and when he did see him the GP was clearly very afraid.
A strange post.
What was your relationship with “the boy”?
If you had diagnosed Bell’s Palsy, why were you reporting to a GP? What he supposed to do about it?
Perhaps you were hysterical – you clearly gave that impression to the GP. Why were you, shall we say, so concerned?
And given you did not appreciate the GP’s efforts – why turn to quacks, rather than another GP?
Whe the boy did see the GP,of what was the doctor “very afraid”?
Doctors are not all wonderful. Some are quacks, or at any rate behave like it. They should be castigated – but the problem is quackery – by whomsoever practiced.
(BP is almost invariably self limiting. VII nerve palsy itself may have other serious causes, but by definition, BP does not.)
“(BP is almost invariably self limiting. VII nerve palsy itself may have other serious causes, but by definition, BP does not.)”
Well…except for Lyme Disease…which must be treated…and can morph into post-Lyme chronic illness that can’t be treated…
all diseases can be treated. most would not exist if man did not make them in the first place. most modern ills are caused by heavy metal toxicity which the public are unaware of. fluoride poison tooth paste causes cancer so does mercury poison in your silver fillings and much more illnesses i am a recovering survivor of both poisons.
The ECG on the masthead shows atrial p-waves completely dissociated with the ventricular complexes which vary in form. Looks like complete heart block to me, but I’m no cardiologist. I’d call the emergency homeopath right away.
Thanks! I needed a good laugh today. I especially liked the Mechanics rag 🙂
Ooh, I’m interested to see this post.
I recently saw this magazine on sale at my local hospital. I’d never heard of it before, but the title was pretty telling, and a brief flick through showed it to be full of dangerous misinformation about health issues including vaccination.
I was stunned that a magazine like this was being sold by a hospital – so I complained/made a nuisance of myself and the magazine was withdrawn from sale.
that magazine tells the truth while doctors and dentists and other professionals lie. any one who complains about this MAG has something to hide or something to gain from stopping it.the truth will always prevail.
I can’t think of anything I dislike more on the Internet or on Magazines more than those ridiculous ads “SCIENTISTS HATE THIS GUY” or “LANGUAGE PROFESSORS CANT STAND THIS MAN”. Those sort of things are so annoying and more importantly not informative at all… Does the average person find those statements to be informative or, at least find it to be enticing?
Like all magazines some good points some bad.
[edited: large cut and paste sections will be deleted. Please link to sources and discuss.]
[edited: too long: please make a point, not a huge cut and paste]
my point is i was poisoned slowly by dentists and most of my family to
the innocent children that they put the poison in at seven years old and fail to tell the parents how dangerous it is.
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
dentists put mercury poison into children and adults and fail to tell the public that they have done so. dentists have told the public grade 2 listed toxic poison fluoride was safe get real. and find out for your self.
You didn’t answer Skepticat’s very simple question:
i have very little time for ridiculous questions you are lucky to get this response, i am not concerned with why i know why! but i am concerned i want them to stop immediately stop putting mercury poison in the children’s mouths which they are doing every day plus i want them to stop thymersol mercury poison and aluminium poison in vaccines for babies they must be evil or is this hell?
I guess my question wasn’t simple enough.
If I understand you correctly, your answer to my question about why you think NHS dentists want to poison children is:
‘Because they are evil’.
Thank you, A C, I am indeed lucky to get this illustration of how you think.
ok skepticat i am dieing from mercury and fluoride poisoning as i type this, all that is on my mind is the innocent children that they are putting mercury into through vaccines and dental fillings and with holding that poison information from the parents and the public! i only found out nine months ago, it is unacceptable immoral unethical, mal practice, gross negligence i have the proof they do it every day maybe you have them in your mouth? and you are in denial may be you use fluoride poison tooth paste? may be you had the poison vaccines? get over it, it is happening what are you going to do about it i am doing what i can to stop it creator help me!
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
I have loads of mercury amalgam fillings and I am able to capitalise my sentences quite competently. Why would they have caused so much damage to you? Is grandiosity another clinical feature of the syndrome?
if you bother to check for your self the adverse health risks symptoms that come with the manufacturers health warning see what symptoms you have in common for me i put up with the body burden of mercury poison and all the ill symptoms long enough but it affects everyone differently due to individual life styles but there are some general effects. excuse a dieing man spelling mistakes, please concern yourself with the safety of the innocent children and help me to inform parents
who are unaware there child has mercury poison in the mouths and fluoride causes cancer.
Which are you?
I’m sorry, ACF, but although mercury is of itself nasty stuff, amalgam fillings are more an opportunity for cranks to spread fear than a genuine cause of ill health. Millions of us have them. Millons of us have carried them through this last century of ever-increasing life-expectancy.
If you are ill, we can be pretty sure it’s not the fault of your fillings.
i don’t know what planet you live on but on this one millions of people are suffering night and day with mercury poison and fluoride poison you seem to be in denial i am ready for you! if you think that there are no ill people and no cancer take me to your planet if it is the same as earth but without industrial poison added to medicines on purpose knowing that it will cause harm take me to your planet get real?
I’m sorry ACF, but you sound like a frothing lunatic. If you cannot see that from reading your own posts, then there is little prospect of real communication here.
No one is claiming that people do not suffer ill-health and cancer. You are asserting that some large proportion is due to mercury amalgam fillings and fluoride. Please, present your best evidence to support that assertion.
i told you inform yourself, sheeple that need convincing that poisons kill fast and kill slow need psychiatric help stop wasting my time and investigate yourself ask your dentist why he did not tell you he put poison in your body? and why he promotes fluoride poison?
1. You choose not to present evidence that we can discuss. Until you do, I will engage no further with you.
2. You said “sheeple”, so you lose.
no one wins or looses here we act or we don’t act more people suffer if you or i don’t act,i am not in a debate with you time is of the essence while you want convincing people are dieing, you lot believe you come from monkies and the world is flat you have not progressed in nothing apart from weapons and killing and destruction shame full history that you should hide, i am not surprised you cannot investigate yourself, you don’t know the meaning of your own life or the meaning of life itself so you lie to the children you say Egypt was made by aliens you call grave robbers archaeologists then you go and look at my ancestors dead corpses for a family day out hellow yes hell is r boring me.
The irony is, of course, that ACF actually wants us to behave like “sheeple” and follow him in the basis of his unsupported asstertions.
look mojo i do not offend the truth may hurt sometimes you no people and there pride and gel lousy and other childish emotions. for example what is a slave a slave is some one that works for some one else for coin or something else you cant eat like paper money, i am not a slave i work for for truth i know where i come from and where i am going and what truth to teach my children and western horrific history is not part of it, the terror unleashed onto the world by the western war powers through out history mad men and mad women murderers rapist thieves even now the west continues to destroy the rain forests and lie lie lie?????????????/? face your history and what the west is doing now go on admit it to your children educate them how demented your history is or dig up some more of my family stick them in a glass box and expect me to smile ???????? HELLOW
A nice big load of straw, but no evidence.
Mr Fontaine, you are introducing more and more irrelevant and unsupported claims, but providing no evidence whatsoever for the ones you have already made.
Don’t expect us to take your word for it like the sheeple you want us to be. Provide some evidence.
LAST TIME I AM NOT A MODERN SLAVE I TAKE NO ORDERS do your own work i think you are just trying to discredit me poison should not be put into human children or adults why can you not see that simple logic??? you want proof check world history on poison. i can see you don’t care about life.
Is that a herbal form of thiomersal? Does it confer a woody Mediterranean aromatic quality to the heavy metal toxin?
all of you and your questions why why why here is a question from me why do we have to pay pieces of paper named money which is made from trees that grow for free? why do we have to pay for water that falls from the sky for free? actually why do we have to pay for every thing in the world that the creator made for us for free? why spend billions looking into space at the cost of human suffering? is it to poison and destroy another planet? the worst disease on this planet is those men with the mind of war!carry on train more killers when we need farmers!
1: Money isn’t made from paper, it’s made from cloth, or plastic in some countries.
2: Nobody is charged for rainwater. It’s free, as you suggest it should be. You only pay for water which is treated, filtered, and sent to your house via a series of tubes.
3: Your insistence on inserting emotive, but fundamentally and obviously incorrect statements makes the rest of your argument look as if it may be equally poorly constructed – nobody will believe a maths paper founded on 1+1=3.1415 and nobody will believe your arguments until you learn to lay them out in a logical, coherent and verifiable manner. Shouting louder does not make an argument more valid. You do yourself a great disservice.
many people have checked for themselves and are now aware i advise you to do the same and not take my word for it.
I’ve checked for myself, and your claims appear to be nonsense.
if you have checked then continue to use grade 2 listed toxic fluoride poison tooth paste! and allow the dentist to put mercury poison into you! and continue to drink tap water with added fluoride poison!and continue to accept poison vaccinations! Darwin was an idiot! Einstein a fool! slaves should know that they are slaves!
the British museum are thieves who still will not give back what was stolen so brutally from Africa! we now know that the UK charities have been administering poisons and poison gm products
“Darwin was an idiot! Einstein a fool!”
You evidently have no idea how including such proclamations in a comment about supposed fluoride and mercury poisoning makes you look.
Here, let me help you:
you worry about how i look and sound fine but why ignore the fact your dentist put poison in adults and children and fail to tell them of the deadly health warnings that come with the product! what do you want from me more i found out and i told you that is the responsible thing to do, i did the responsible thing but you want more typical never satisfied you want the dead to you cant even leave the dead to rest in peace!
like i said i don’t need some fool to tell me where i came from or where i am going i am not like the rest of you waiting for some one to tell you the meaning of your life as for Einstein and the rest of the scientific fools left the world nothing new not even the bombs they made the world does not need scientists it needs peace. there is enough space and food but you believe there scaremonger lies you believe anything they say so you might as well believe me at least i tell the truth.
there is not much inelegant life on this planet so here is some official documentation for you ! mojo i will accommodate the level of intelligence i communicate with from now on so mojo i am making concessions for your lack of ability to source information that is easy to find! here is a recent post from the BDA.
(bda) urges action on potential amalgam ban
The British Dental Association (BDA) is urging the Departments for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and of Health to give urgent consideration to the potential implications of discussions that could lead to a ban on the use of dental amalgam. The BDA is concerned that such a ban could come before suitable alternatives have been fully developed and tested, and before properly-preventive care has been in place in the UK long enough to diminish the overall need for dental fillings.
Dr Martin Fallow field, the Chair of the BDA’s Principal Executive Committee, has written to Ministers at both Government departments expressing concerns that a United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) that is seeking to agree a global legally binding instrument on the use of mercury could be on the verge of agreeing legislation that would be harmful to oral health in the UK and worldwide.
The INC meets between 13 and 18 January 2013 in Geneva for the final in a series of five scheduled meetings to draft the legislation. Previously, it appeared that it would agree a phase-down of the use of dental amalgam beginning in 2016 that would allow its continued use over the medium term, but a re-drafting of the legislation ahead of the January meeting has seen a radically different approach taken. Instead, the revised draft accelerates the possibility of an outright ban on the use of dental amalgam.
Warning of the severe implications of the new draft text, which the BDA believes is a “radical step backwards”, the letter also points out the likely cost implications of switching to alternative materials, which are more time-consuming to use, maintain and replace.
A phase-down approach to reducing the use of amalgam, which is proposed by the World Health Organization and supported by the BDA, would allow time for increased concentration on preventive care and further research into safe and effective alternatives to amalgam.
-Fallow field said:
“While we understand the imperative to reduce mercury emissions and the environmental agenda behind these negotiations, we feel it would be entirely inappropriate for an environmental treaty to be allowed to undermine health and national care policy. Dental amalgam is a safe and effective material and dental use makes only a tiny contribution to mercury pollution.
“The UK Government must look urgently at the revised draft proposals and act to ensure that the treaty that will be signed next year does not undermine the ability of dentists in the UK, and in other parts of the world, to care for patients. The passing of the treaty as it is currently drafted could have very serious consequences.”
You’ve spammed that to the thread four times, but it doesn’t actually support your claims about mercury amalgam fillings or fluoride.
This is not somthing to be ashamed off.
This is standard scientific medicine. Once a new method/material is developed, this would be written of as a prehistoric doctor tool.
This is not somthing to be ashamed off.
This is standard scientific medicine. Once a new method/material is developed, this existing practise would be written off as a prehistoric doctor tool.
Open letter to dentists Madam Minister of Health
In the context of international negotiations on mercury should be completed in January next year, the National Council of the Order of Dentists and the French Dental Association wrote a letter to the attention of Minister of Health, praying that to argue that the use of mercury in dentistry is not prohibited. The letter petition presented here is strictly for health professionals who do not share that feeling.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Madam Minister,
The National Council of the Order of dentists you sent “on behalf of the entire profession,” a letter requesting that you objected to “any action to prohibit or restrict the use of dental amalgam “.
We do not understand why the College invites you on an issue that is outside its remit, even no prior consultation or discussion have taken place among practitioners.
We, dentists signatories believe instead that dental mercury pollution is harmful to both the environment (and, consequently, the health of the population) and the reputation of our profession : how to justify that alone continues to provide mercury when all other sectors are forced to drastically limit or discontinue use? What future are we preparing our European neighbors when technological change considerably and we rainbow buttons on a technique outdated, dangerous and unsightly?
In addition, the risks to dentists and their assistants-are due to occupational exposure to mercury is a fact established by numerous scientific publications.
Finally, although reports Afssaps and SCENIHR did not validate the dangerousness of the amalgam we call the precautionary principle:
1) The French scientific committees refute evidence of toxicity established, but do not prove the safety of a material salted continuous mercury vapor in our dental practice.
2) We own, dentists, find frequently in clinical pathologies associated with amalgam or galvanic currents due to the presence of metals in the mouth, causing debilitating including neuralgia, inflammation and mucous musculotendinous.
3) The last WHO report states that general health problems are associated with amalgam. Moreover if they are worried of the cost of alternatives to amalgam for poor countries, we do not believe that France into this scenario.
4) Mercury pollution is not resolved by the amalgam separators (instruments and soiled cottons) and a recent report shows that the amalgam is actually an expensive material when one is considering the costs of pollution .
As demonstrated by our own practice every day, amalgam is perfectly replaceable. , it is inexplicable that France continues to praise questionable and outdated material, including a resolution of the Council of Europe and a report commissioned by the European Commission recommend removal. This attitude goes against what patients want (who are looking for esthetic and biocompatible materials) as well as industry: lack of opportunities in France, technological advances in dentistry are outside our borders.
We want to see remove amalgam fillings and value biomaterials for healthy and modern dentistry.
We hope that the authorities refuse to go against-history, they encourage the expertise, enthusiasm, intelligence and innovation practitioners as industrial and they will put at the forefront of the concerns concern for the environment and the health of our citizens.
Please accept, Madam, the assurances of our highest consideration respectful. Thank you to the signatories to specify their profession (dentist, dental assistant e, doctor, pharmacist-only, Nurse AD, etc.).
signatories are not registered, as health professionals, will not be taken into account.
No email address will be used for purposes other than organizing the petition and its aftermath.
I can see from your posting history here that you think that spamming irrelevant and unattributed (or even misattributed) copy and paste is not something to be ashamed of, but it cannot be said to be “standard scientific medicine”. And given your persistent advocacy for fossilised medical errors, the last sentence of your post is deeply ironic.
mojo denial denial denial deny all seems to be the policy of the people who put poisons into other people deceitfully secretly its called attempted murder! fortunately for me i have the proof, i knew i would not be able to convince many people. Fortunately there are more people that realise there trust in medical professionals has been abused, given the choice only a grand fool would allow poison to be put into there body and i don’t follow fools.
proof is easy to find when the spirits are on my side!
France – (Alkyl compounds as Hg) Occupational Exposure Limits 0.01 mg/m3 (VME) TWA (skin).
Germany – (Organic mercury compounds, as Hg) TRGS 900 Limit Value 0.01 mg/m3 TWA, 15-minute
limit not to exceed 4 times MAK (skin).
Section 3 – Hazards Identification
Appearance: Light cream-colored crystalline powder
Physical State: Solid
Odor: Faint metallic odor/taste
Emergency Overview
R = Reproductive
A = Allergen
Emergency Overview Effective Date: 08-Dec-1999
Lilly Laboratory Labeling Codes:
Health 2 Fire 1 Reactivity 0 Special R, A
Primary Physical and Health Hazards: Skin Permeable. Toxic. Mutagen. Irritant (eyes).
Allergen. Nervous System and Reproductive Effects.
Caution Statement: Thimerosal may enter the body through the skin, is toxic, alters genetic material,
may be irritating to the eyes, and causes allergic reactions. Effects of exposure may include numbness
of extremities, fetal changes, decreased offspring survival, and lung tissue changes.
Routes of Entry: Inhalation and skin absorption.
Effects of Overexposure: Topical allergic dermatitis has been reported. Thimerosal contains
mercury. Mercury poisoning may occur and topical hypersensitivity reactions may be seen. Early signs
of mercury poisoning in adults are nervous system effects, including narrowing of the visual field and
numbness in the extremities. Exposure to mercury in utero and in children may cause mild to severe
mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment. Based on animal data, may be
irritating to the eyes.
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Hypersensitivity to mercury.
Carcinogenicity: No carcinogenicity data found. Not listed by IARC, NTP, ACGIH, or OSHA.
Section 4 – First Aid Measures
Eyes: Hold eyelids open and flush with a steady, gentle stream of water for 15 minutes. See an
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
i am not sure what is wrong with your brain cells ok the world health organisation has condemned the use of mercury poisons in humans,several countries have banned its use or is phasing it out why simple they have scientific proof!!of the hurt and pain caused by fluoride poison,i am tired of trying with you lot, there are to many people who understand immediately poison is dangerous in minuscule amounts simple!! plus if you really wanted to know you would investigate your selves as i suggested before you dont have to take my word as gospel, but the manufacturers warnings you have to take seriously unless you are true foolish sheeple i am not hiding you can find me if you want i am not scared of none of you.
Please read my question carefully and try to understand what I am asking you. So far you have not even come close to answering it, so I’ll ask again:
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
ok alan do you think i will follow mad insane people who think poison is safe. drink it and people like you i want to drink it quick so the rest of us can live in peace and harmony like before you arrived from the mud pool or the monkey that Darwin said you came from? you believe any crap as long as it makes you look good liars liars liars, i came from a mother and father! and i know where i am going that is not with you.
OK, some things you need to learn/understand:
1. Unless you “removed” your fillings by tooth extraction, you very much do need science. Alternative fillings such as compomers, porcelain and gold don’t grow on trees.
2. Thiomersal, dental amalgam, other mercury compounds contain mercury, but they aren’t mercury. They contain boud mercury, not free mercury. This is middle school chemistry, so you should already know it, but if you didn’t before, you know now. What is toxic as an element may form non-toxic compounds. EX: Both sodium and chlorine are toxic*, I wouldn’t recommend eating a bit of elemental sodium, nor would I recommend taking even one breath of Chorine gas. Sodiumchloride, however, is safe to eat, unless you ingest massive doses (so large you couldn’t eat them by accident), which brings me to:
3. Toxicity is dose dependend. This was already known in the middle ages, and it’s one of the first things you learn in chemistry class, so you definitely know this. Claiming you don’t know it or disregarding it makes you look stupid – trust me, the last thing you need is to look more stupid than you already do by refusing to answer a very simple question:
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
*this, of course, is a very simplified explanation
the world needs science for nothing science is part of the cause of the down ward spiral of modern western life which is crap you are all modern slaves living alie telling lies to children teaching lies raising killers and rapist you are good at that more guns you like that yes.
you crazy scientists like to sound smart, but i am not one of your lab rats you will get paid for your diabolical work. you create death and beg for research money so you can take long holidays and chat crap among your colleagues while you kill us slowly!
You still seem to be having difficulty understanding my very simple question:
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
You’re in desperate need of some science education.
I don’t work with lab rats.
you are in need of common sense and logic,admit it if we leave you meddlers up to your own devices you will destroy the whole world and all life? the world did not need you scientists in the beginning and you have proved we don’t need you now. we do need to reverse the mess that you have left our children. it is nearing to the end of the science Mafia con?
Um, yes that is some evidence so I will come back into the discussion.
However, it is evidence that is not relevant to your case. The genuine cause for concern with mercury amalgam, which is behind such proposals as that which you cite, has been the occupational exposure of dentists and dental nurses preparing the material and disposing of surplus. That is not the same as causing concern for people like me with amalgam fillings.
P.S. I’m sorry you find no value in the display of artefacts and human remains from old cultures. I have no problem with seeing the remains of my Northern European compatriots. I find the investigation of the various bog bodies to be interesting and emotionally affecting rather than offensive.
yes as long as you dig up your own people it is fine do what you want with your own dead, you have no right on earth to dig up my dead family so you can oogle at them. I know your moral compass cannot fathom the despicable nature of your grave robbers – archaeologists – liars unfortunately i was born here in the cold wet grey UK i had some of what you call education hence i know your history very short horrific history of Europe and what Europeans have contributed to the world nothing but pain and destruction every day every night you have invented nothing you have just redesigned from Africa that which you stole you even stole the concept of society and fair play you came you found the land of the gods land of plenty land of peace gold silk wool abundant food and you destroyed as you do now you have not changed have you. You say you learn from my dead family bones i will learn nothing if i dig up your family bones nothing!
Well, ACF, I think we’ve spent enough time counting the bats in your belfry. I did you the courtesy of making a relevant and specific response on the topic of amalgam fillings. I think it would be good if you acknowledged and dealt with its content.
you said you have the poison fillings in your mouth, mercury poison is neurotoxic and causes mental disorders which means you are mentally impaired if you have the body burden of mercury poison!
if you think it is ok to look at dead bodies then you definitely suffer from this get help.
Crucial difference here, ACF: I am attempting to generate a rational discussion based on logical argument and empirical evidence. You are dribbling lunacy through your keyboard. If my mercury fillings have messed with my brain, I am still functioning at a much higher level than you. So, please respond to my comment on the actual hazards of dental amalgam. Come on, man, at least make some effort to sound like a rational human being.
shaved monkey good one you made me laugh too hehehehehehehe come on man i like that fighting spirit so i will give you a few documents to get u started i hope it wont be a waste of my time and you start to help the innocent like me. a doc from the world health organisation!
[edited to remove large cut and paste. Link to sources please.]
has the cat got your tongue or was it to much info for you all?
Badly Shaved Monkey
…..If my mercury fillings have messed with my brain, I am still functioning at a much higher level than you……
There is no doubt about this. I hope you realy mean this. You are not discussing the height of the branch of the tree!
fools have a choice stay a fool or wise up when they are presented with simple logic!Mercury manufacturers health warning
A. Encapsulated amalgam (“silver fillings”) arrives at a dentist’s office with a skull and bones affixed Next to the words “POISON, CONTAINS METALLIC MERCURY.”
Mercury, the warning states, is a “potentially hazardous substance” with “neurotoxic/nephrotoxic effects”; “a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.”
Amalgam makers advised dentists in writing not to place amalgam in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under six, and anyone with kidney disease. B.
Neither the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) nor its independent scientists
Claim that mercury amalgam is safe.
In September 2006 two FDA Scientific Advisory Committees voted 13 to 7 that an FDA staff “white paper’s” conclusion that mercury
Amalgam is safe is incorrect.
In February 2007 FDA admitted five times in a brief to the Court of Appeals, in an earlier version of this case, that FDA doesn’t know if mercury fillings are safe or unsafe: “there is a lack of conclusive evidence regarding the health effects of mercury fillings”; “complex issues and intense disagreement [exist] about the scientific evidence regarding mercury and its potential health effects.” C.
Yet FDA has for 31 years ignored its duty to classify this device, and worse, allows
Untrammelled sales and no warnings about the mercury
In 2002 FDA actually launched a Campaign to conceal the mercury, even from pregnant women, via a subterfuge warning “amalgam contains zinc” (zinc is a nutrient, mercury a nerotoxin)
Ac fontaine supports this letter!
re: Thiomersal
You do understand that toxicity is all to do with dosage, don’t you?
No, of course you don’t.
i understand that you want to murder children with poison mercury and poison vaccinations no dosage of mercury and fluoride is safe, people like you took my choice away by not telling me that you put poisons in me and the public, so you like drinking poison fine!. I hear me i don’t want any poison put into me or the children any longer as requested by the best scientists in the world, you take your dosage and leave us free from your crap poison you think you are going to get away with murder nonono you are not just wait and see the law is coming for you
Would a properly prepared 30CH homeopathic preparation of mercury be safe or deadly?
you are crackers i am going to save this question and print it for my sane and logical comrades to be shocked at and laugh you inject it into yourself a couple of times and then send me a ghost letter from beyond the grave poison poison poison how many ways can we poison the public? is that all you think of poison yourself and leave us alone poison free this is the most idiotic situation in my life absolutely stupid animals.
Since you haven’t answered it, let me ask you again:
Would a properly prepared 30CH homeopathic preparation of mercury be safe or deadly?
deadly in the long term
…or is this supposed to be your answer to my question?
If so, how much properly prepared 30CH homeopathic preparation of mercury would it take to be deadly?
it would take a minuscule amount of poison to be deadly stop asking me stupid questions?
Would it?
How minuscule?
If Paracelsus was alive to read that he would be turning in his grave.
that twit para what ever his name was the idiot who first used mercury poison in medicine and actually murdered millions as millions are being poisoned and murdered slowly now like what those dentists did to me? please don’t mention any more fools from European horrific shame full past? your responses are boring.
paracelsus is definitely in hell burning in fire with the other mad people that call them selves scientists!
Oh well, makes a change from homoeopaths trying to claim him.
Please have a look at this link about Dihydrogen Monoxide.
Huge numbers of deaths are known to be caused by exposure to this substance every year. Should it be banned?
aids hiv virus has its patent number in the usa patent office with the patented cure should it have been engineered in a lab and injected into animals and people no no no? yes all substances created by man that kill should be destroyed boring question stop asking me stupid questions.
Sorry, AFC, just to be clear, are you saying we should ban DHMO and prevent all exposure to it because it is a manmade substance that has caused deaths?
i am going to check up to date info on dhmo before i reply. But initially scientists created all the disease we suffer from including malaria the rest of the world was doing fine until western science made a mess in laboratories, which they continue to do! the world would be better off with no poison and drugs that have ill side effects that were created to make money not heal people we are wise to crack pot scientists looking for god in particle if you cant find god after a thousand years ask me i will tell you if your lucky?
ACF said:
Please don’t take too long to look into it – people are dying daily from exposure to dhmo.
my concerns are for the innocent that r poisoned with dental filings poison vaccinations and poison fluoride you have not mentioned any concern for the innocent so i will reply to your query last!
As Alan said, please tell us whether we should ban DHMO. The case does look pretty strong against it, but I wouldn’t want to make a knee-jerk response. Take s look at the evidence and tell us what you think.
yes later after i have dealt with these other medical murderers!
ACF said:
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
are any of you human only humans contact me please i am tired of aliens.
I am human.
Should we ban DHMO and prevent all exposure to it because it is a manmade substance that has caused deaths?
i can see you, you should stop taking crap use what nature made
I’m really trying to understand you ACF. I really am.
Are you saying we should ban DHMO and use a natural alternative? Can you suggest one?
dhmo is another man made killer of humans simple
Research conducted by award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner concluded that roughly 86 percent of the population supports a ban on dihydrogen monoxide. Although his results are preliminary, Zohner believes people need to pay closer attention to the information presented to them regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide. He adds that if more people knew the truth about DHMO then studies like the one he conducted would not be necessary.
i don’t need you to understand me, i would like you to research important medical practices that cause death in humans, i need funds to educate and heal the ill,and inform the public so that hurt and pain and death is avoided so people can die naturally i could die any moment so i have no time to waste! I am a herbalist spiritualist before i was poisoned! so i use the word die and death because that is what you know but i know when i have finished with this body how i will live on and where i am going, hopefully i wont need to hang around here when that happens?
ACF said:
I’ll leave it to BSM to respond to this in his own inimitable style!
Over to you, BSM…
What we’re trying to sort out is whether a source like WDDTY can help people to make wise health decisions. The campaign against DHMO is just like the material to be found in WDDTY. I haven’t checked, but WDDTY may even have covered this important issue. The difference is that we can easily provide a link to a web site that fully covers the DHMO story so it is worth examining in detail. This is why I would think that for someone like you it would be important to understand the DHMO problem and help find alternatives to this dangerous substance.
One last thing for now, a number of contributors here have been very keen to defend WDDTY as being a source of information that gives a vital alternative view and which readers can competently learn from with no potential for confusion or harm. But they have been very quiet recently. I can’t believe that none of them are following this discussion. Surely the DHMO campaign is something you should see as important.
now you sound like a human hi!
you cannot get help from the people who poisoned you!city people need to turn to the people who come from the Forrest and rain Forrest to help and heal them physically and mentally that means city people should demand that they stop destroying the trees that provide the locals with all the medicine they need.
What about the Jimmy Forrest?
Hi Mr Fontaine.
I have a really simple question for you to answer with a yes or a no. If you want to elaborate further than that in your answer than please do, but make the YES or a NO clear to us.
Should we ban DHMO and prevent all exposure?
Ta muchly.
Will you ensure you now completely eliminate your own exposure to dhmo?
Please tell us how you get on with this so we can all learn.
I had not previously known that Mr Gump was known as an environmental scientist and toxicologist. I now to your greater knowledge.
Typo: “I bow…”
bow to your creator not me bow to the one who gave you a free bountiful peaceful pain and dis-ease free world to live in? then stand up as a man and do what you can to heal and inform people of the truth of life we adults have a responsibility to all young people.fist heal your self ? if peace came to the world on Sunday all would be well in it?
vicky vicky vicky i hope you haven’t had any accidents in the lab lately? if you would like me to teach you real science i can? now you tell me why the nhs dentists put poison into children and fail to tell parents of the horrific danger and attempted slow murder?
your scientific mercury poison amalgam alloy does not work? it kills? just like fluoride. if you have done something good with your laboratory prove it. I WILL NEVER BE A PART OF YOUR Mafia science club! sound smart in your little world do you? not around here my dear the lone ranger just walked into town! you will feel!
I think some enquiry should first be made as to how much man-made DHMO is adding to our background exposure. Have you found any source that gives an estimate of our exposure levels from different sources?
I’m sure I read somewhere, can’t find the source now, but I think burning of fossil fuels can contribute to DHMO formation. Instead hydrogen is being promoted as a fuel for motor vehicles in both internal combustion and fuel-cell engines. I think this is an important field of research. I’m unsure whether it will reduce our exposure to DHMO. I could really do with some hard data. Can you find some?
It would be good to get some other fans of WDDTY contributing to this discussion. I think it would be very helpful for them to provide some commentary on how ACF is handling the information he receives from sources like WDDTY.
wddty has not given me any info yet,
ACF, I see you have returned.
P.S. I have just read that fuel-cells are a confirmed source of hydroxylic acid.
Crikey! ACF, would it be simplest to simply ban fuel-cells until this problem has been properly assessed?
there are other free and safe energy sources for example Tesla free energy devices, tomorrows techno is already hear!
WHAT is THE MATTER MOONSHINE is it something else you know nothing about? you need to re-educate your self I can teach you if you like my dear. you are already a million years behind little fools playing at god in a lab using the public as unaware guinea pigs. well we know now your time will soon be up!
Nope, he really did mean it!
yes lets all do buggery and have children by test tube is that the future you want you must be satanic the lot of you is there no sane people using this or are you all scared am I the only one to proclaim the truth about the horrific satanic act of buggery? I am so happy my rear end is a virgin ha ha ha ha ha sooooo happeeeee……. I am an innocent rear end virgin! and I am petrified of the gay act of buggery I am scared of that terrible act do you get me Satanists stay away from us normal god fearing people don’t poison our children with the act of buggery make it illegal again punishable by law once again like before when things were normal?
P.P.S. Won’t somebody think of the children?
thinking of them wont help informing the parents will r we on the same on the same page i think not/ let me remind you women and children first.
Mr. AC Fontaine,
Research conducted by award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner concluded that roughly 86 percent of the population supports a ban on dihydrogen monoxide. Although his results are preliminary, Zohner believes people need to pay closer attention to the information presented to them regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide. He adds that if more people knew the truth about DHMO then studies like the one he conducted would not be necessary.
Since you posted this earlier I assume you believe it to be true. Did you verify the source of the paragraph you pasted? Do you know how to question the credibility of a website, or assess whether the source is serious, or possibly a parody, joke, farce or satire?
Your use of the above quote proves you to be a deranged fool.
Do you believe everything you read on the internet? If so, that would explain your twaddle about mercury and flouride.
Pro-tip: I’d Google DMHO again and look at all the hits you get on the first page.
I am not even going to bother with you! you must be one of those making money from legally murdering children and adults by taking away there rights to choose not to have poison put into them and not informing them that you put poison in them, is attempted murder? I have nothing to fear because I am already dieing from mercury and fluoride poison and dhmo and chemtrails every day above chelmsford and Essex, so I will do what I can to stop the legal poisoning of millions of people you fool, do you think I would follow a fool like you! when I have my family king Solomon to guide me huh you must be one of the modern grave robbers real name archaeologists? thieves?
Why do you think NHS dentists want to poison children?
Just to be clear ACF, you think water should be banned?
the only thing that should be banned is all the mess that science and modern medicine and modern life style creates first we need to remove the manufacturers then remove the peripheral profiteers from the scenario get rid of the people responsible for allowing the poisons to be introduced into the human food chain by calling poison a supplement fools murderers and liars hello to hell on earth.
Blah, blah, blah.
But specifically should DHMO be banned?
I think someone should tell him that DMHO is a posh name for wat…nah, I can’t do it.
Um, someone already did;
But it was like pouring pure hydroxylic acid over the dorsal aspect of an anatid.
ACF has his fingers in his ears and his eyes so tightly shut it’s extraordinary that he can type at all and we should not wonder that he makes no coherent sense.
ha ha ha you lot make me laugh he he he you slave sheeple puppets who live in fear of loosing your slave income and in fear of loosing your slave pension you have no love or emotion you educate lies to your children so they perpetuate your shameful history stand up like real men and admit you are the dumbest living thing ever to exist you lot are the stupidest things that will ever exist here it comes!you lot are the only living thing that has destroyed, the thing that actually keeps you alive the earth, the only title you will get in the world history when we look back at your disgusting past is the most stupid thing that ever lived! while we the intelligent! have to repair the mess you have left for the young people? do you think a TV or car or plain or dish washer or radio active bomb is an achievement!! you have achieved nothing but hurt and pain and you have made good people docile I do feel sorry for you all you docile puppets actually believe the crap you have written to me? i know many children more clued up than you twits.
If I had my fingers in my ears and blind! I would be much happier at least I would not hear and see the hell you lot have created on earth! for our children who suffer so much in it.You even blame your sexual perversions on your grand parents! by falsely claiming the act of buggery to be a genetic condition? blatant liars! fooling the public! well you cant fool me with your medical jargon? I am ready for you all you need to bring your brightest mind to try to deal with me so I can prove just how foolish you all are and how little you know about this world remember I am a spirit first and then a body! fools come on try me I WILL SUFFER YOU GLADLY if you dare????
If the act of buggery was genetic, it might explain why you have shit for brains.
I am not the one that promotes to children that it is ok to swim in human faeces you are? are you a pervert that promotes this barbaric satanic act to children are you ?????
Methinks it’s you who’s up shit creek without a paddle.
poor little chappy have I burst your little bubble of fake superiority your denial is noted! not one of you have made a claim to one thing that is good that Europeans have contributed to the world that they did not copy from ancient cultures and steel from them all you know now apart from the hellish substances you create and you have the mental nerve to try to justify destroying the world for the sake of your ridiculous slavery serf society I told you why have your mental society of slavery when the creator gave us all the world for free you are to mentally disturbed to answer my statements and continue to abuse me typical mental behaviour?
I am not using this to be told anything from anyone on it! I am telling you all what is happening to the British public I was expecting help to inform the public of these horrors but I don’t think you all are British, and you must be on the pay role of a company profiting one way or the other from these poisons? none of you answer my statements you just abuse me! you even seem proud of your horrific past! the Greeks are thieves as well they stole all there knowledge from Africa? why don’t you teach that in school! you liars, two hundred and eighty billion dollars in gold has come out of south Africa and counting and you lot still make them suffer below the poverty line, you lot are despicable! calma is a good thing don’t you agree?
ben lee I invite you test my genius you see as a spiritualist I have abilities that are far reaching and feeling so your fear of the truth is noted your fear of change and your fear of being a real man and I know you are not able to stand as a man for your superiors would be upset with you ah poor serf I am afraid admittance is the first step to recovery so just concede to me now because it is inevitable all of you in denial will?
Chemtrails? Is there no lunatic conspiracy that you do not believe in?
I note you have happily added DHMO to the litany of poisons that are killing. But you have forgotten the hydroxylic acid that even our so-called clean technologies produce. Do you not worry about HA?
in 2005 the MOD ADMITTED TO THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT THAT BIOCHEMICAL Weapons TESTS ARE BEING CARRIED OUT OVER THE UK and in public transport vehicles such as the tube! this case was up taken by Norman baker the honourable who fought for the safety of the British public so fortunately for me I am correct stating facts and you are mental disturbed and in denial you do need my help which I extend to you? because I know this information can cause very deep reactions????
[citation needed]
you all have to earn my respect from this point you have on respect from me at all until one of you have the the brains to answer my statements or refute them factually huh I know you cant! because what I say is true and the truth is like a sweet kiss?????
mojo you have no clue as to what is going on have you? you brush your teeth with fluoride poison don’t you? Hitler was the first person to use fluoride poison in concentration camps now you take it daily unaware of the horrific danger of cancer and the docile effect of fluoride poison, because you trust the dentist you trust the doctor your trust has been abused why cant you face that reality so we can move on and repair the damage no instead you think you can detain me from acting on my concerns but you have not succeeded because I am a real genius not one of your fakes from Europe as you will see?
Why do you think doctors and dentists want to poison children?
allan I do not think up non-factual statements I have relayed to you what has already transpired facts! you are way behind far out of sight but I can shed some light into the abyss where you live for you to follow along like a donkey following a carrot? just like scientists trial and error? I do not make trials so I can make no error fools which simply why I will never follow you you have already proven you were wrong? I do feel sorry for you lot your fundamentals that you have been fooling the public with is easy for me to untangle your just as bad as the criminal bankers?
You’ve still made no attempt to answer my very simple question:
Why do you think doctors and dentists want to poison children?
for the last time allan the dentist put the poison into children and adults and refrain from telling the UN-aware people they have put the poison in them. this is a fact, if doctors and dentists inject poison vaccinations and put poison alloys into people and hold back that information and they knew all the manufacturers health risks and adverse health effects before hand and did not pass that info on to the consumer that is attempted murder in the eyes of the long arm of the law! they will try to get out of this in many squirmy ways non will escape the long arm of the British law? just like how they tried to kill me slowly!
you do have my pity but please at least give me a tiny challenge
I have tried to keep it very simple for you, but it seems that either the question is still too complicated for you, you don’t want to answer or you are incapable of answering it.
In your last response, you have tried to tell us – yet again – about what dentists and doctors do and what they don’t do. But that’s not what I asked you, is it?
I asked you why you believe they (knowingly, apparently) poison children.
So far, you have utterly failed to answer that.
because they want to ensure repeat customers and keep as many as sick as possible and then say they don’t know what the cause is allan right now you are the biggest pain in my virgin rear end hahahahahaha right now and very boring?
They won’t get repeat customers if they kill them, now will they?
i have said this several times, slow chronic poisoning of the public this is a fact i am reporting and i will be making citizens arrests shortly?
ACF said:
Are you asking me if you can arrest those responsible?
i worry about you lot more its the people and what they do with the poisons not the poisons? you people leave poison alone stop trying to make money from peddling poisons people stop these nasty practices and we will all be fine fool? stop making poison people must stop making poison do yo get me man?/??
look it up your self you lazy body
Given where you pull this stuff from, a torch may be required for that.
bsm is such a fitting name for you? your gonna miss me when I am gone Norman Baker MP MADE THE MOD ADMIT THEY WERE POISONING the British public fact 2005 do you understand English or not you lot are exposing your ignorance to me every day its pathetic?
If you know all about it and it’s published, then you should have no difficulty providing a link to it, now will you?
I don’t know, but you probably need to stand next to ACF. He’s easy to find. Just look for the man in the tinfoil hat.
did you enjoy your fluoride poison toothpaste this morning? did you enjoy drinking mercury poison from your filings today? did you enjoy the mercury vapour attacking your eyes today making your eye sight worse every day? I did not poison the air? I did not poison the sea? I did not poison the stratosphere with nuclear radiation bombs? I did not poison the land with radiation poison did I? your idiotic elite brains did you are so low you can not even argue with my statements because mine are facts you are just making sqeeling sounds like a p hahhahah if I was not amused by you lots lack of knowledge I would not continue on this path of crap talk with you lot?
As long as it really is made from tin. Aluminium is a dangerous toxin, don’t ya know. Being within 10 feet of it can kill you so I’ve heard. As for placing it next to your skin…
Why do think doctors and dentists want to poison children?
answer the questions in my statements any of you? and I will consider your boring requests! like I said before because you provide me with a tiny morsel of humour I will carry this jargon on further just to see what poison crap you come up with next!
The nearest I can find is the zinc cadmium sulphate dispersal tests carried out between 1953 and 1964. Doesn’t quite support ACF’s claims that “BIOCHEMICAL Weapons TESTS ARE BEING CARRIED OUT OVER THE UK” though; they didn’t actually involve actual weapons, but zinc cadmium sulphate was used to track how biological agents might be dispersed in the event of an attack on the UK, and they seem to have finished almost half a century ago. According to the 2002 BMJ article linked, “Exposure to Cd from dissemination of ZnCdS during the “cold war” should not have resulted in adverse health effects in the United Kingdom population.” And this was evidently public well before 2005.
Got anything more relevant to your claims, ACF?
it pains me to know how little you lot know almost nothing! the right honourable Norman Baker 2005 this will help you check the media you lot love the media they promote your lies?
Nope, still doesn’t bring up anything to support your claim. I tell you what: why don’t you try to find something?
Mojo said
You mean rather than just make them up?
you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem?
I know what I stand for! even on a sinking ship the law is women and children first. I see you all like to debate very silly issues never dealing with the cause, always playing with the symptoms, you have only been fooling yourselves you did not get away with nothing as destiny will show? you call this life progression ridiculous? you claim intelligence but your bright bankers can only count for themselves. The space programmes that exist on the back of poverty and death blood money, ok you say your intelegent which would you choose save millions of lives? or spend hundreds of billions on trying to get to another planet for some ideological senseless reason which do you choose? brains come on choose????? all of you ??/?/
ok the next you a small plane letting out chemicals over the sheeple go out side and take a few deep breaths????
How far away do I need to be from a flightpath?
ring the right honourable Norman baker stop living on the Internet! what are you going to do when they take the Internet away from you! be surprised you cant see past your next pay check can you?
ACF said:
Not sure he’d talk to me.
Anyway, if he has important information on this, has he made it public. The public have a right to know, don’t they?
What??!! When is this going to happen? I’ve just signed up for an 18 month fibre-optic broadband connection. Have I wasted my money?
How do I get one of these pay checks? I have a lot of bills to pay.
rob and steal the money from the poor like your bankers dont worry you will get away with it to!
The proceedings of the Houses of Parliament are available on the internet, on the website, from 1995 onwards for the House of Lords and from 1988 onwards for the House of Commons. If, as you claim, “in 2005 the MOD ADMITTED TO THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT THAT BIOCHEMICAL Weapons TESTS ARE BEING CARRIED OUT OVER THE UK and in public transport vehicles such as the tube” then a report of this should be available on the internet.
you do not know where I receive my factual information my sources are mysterious like the real world is to you fake bubble makers!
admit it you scientists spend more time making mistakes and walking in the dark than the dead, you brought disease to the rest of the world in the past and it killed millions like small pox and nothing has changed you spread disease and war and pain now no change when will you stop when the public finds out that is now now you scientists that word scientists has been turned into a nasty title not to be proud of nothing more than a court jester with parlour tricks i feel sorry for the real good scientists that have been slurred by the crack pot ones?
I’d like prove your assertion that what you call “modern science” was responsible for smallpox.
This is the most amazing of your long list of fuckwittery.
stop being silly you know Europeans infected the rest of the world with disease do i really have educate you about your own fuckwittery past?
Oh, sorry, for a moment I’d forgotten your racism and thought your were just being anti-science.
racism you fool it is your shame you try to hide instead you try to glorify your greatest mass murderers and make films about there horrific escapades not racism just the truth you will face typical yellow cant even admit you did it even when you have been caught you are more shameful now than you were before aren’t you?
Um, ACF, I have never personally spread smallpox to an indigenous population and I have no particular desire to defend those who did or any other colonial crimes. Of course, brother, we all ultimately came out of Africa whatever the colour of our skins today. The best you can claim is that you are cousin to colonialists rather than the child of.
But, we are moving a long way off-topic.
i disagree with you like i said before i am not like you all? i know where i came from and where i am going! Europeans how ever are alien to the natural world and enemies of all living things don’t you agree? just because you treat dogs and cats better than your own children! that does not make you human? just because you have a body does not make you human? so stop your destruction of the natural world a real human could never do the thing you lot have done don’t you have any shame your still doing it?
Of course, in my defence, the fact that you explicitly said scientists caused smallpox could have confused me.
You should be more careful. We might start thinking that when you make explicit statements amongst your incoherent nonsense we should take them at face value.
you and your accomplices should have done a better job at hiding the fact that you have poisoned the rest of us, you are just upset that we found out! hahahahahaha its not funny for you!
ACF I do enjoy your appeals to primitivism, but I can’t help but notice that you bang them out on the keyboard of a computer.
bsm what is the meaning of life? hahahahahhahahahaha hehe arrrrh eeeeeeeheee its so easy to rattle your cages because you can not tell a child the answer can you? science has only proven that there is a designer as for atheists they should begin debates with rocks!
Just to be clear, I think several of us would be happy to debate any actual evidence that you might bring here that actually quantifies the risks you say exist. So far, all you do is rant.
Mercury amalgam is your biggest concern. So, tell us how much mercury enters the human body from having one filling installed and then living with it in place. Compare that with the established doses of mercury for different toxic effects. This is your supposed area of expertise. None of us has claimed to be an expert in the field whereas it clearly is very important to you.
after hundreds of scientific reviews the world health organisation stated there is no safe threshold for mercury in the body! mercury is more toxic than arsenic and lead if you need more proof of the danger of dental mercury then it shows the level of docility that you suffer from! you don’t deny that you use fluoride poison toothpaste do you? well using that poison every day, drinking it every day in your water will have the desired effect, which is why Hitler was the first person to use fluoride poison on humans in his concentration camps. The fluoride poisoning in east Germany was stopped when the east Berlin wall was torn down Hitler fluoridated the people to make them docile to his dictations, you did not know that did you? so why would you poison yourself after someone cared enough to tell you the truth about your toothpaste poison you must be docile? you want proof ask your dentist for the manufacturers health and safety report that comes with the mercury poison dental amalgam fake alloy capsule? and you can ask your dentist to give you the material safety data sheet that comes with the fluoride poison products or are you scared of your dentist as well as real life? ask your dentists come on man?
Would a properly prepared 30CH homeopathic preparation of mercury be safe or deadly?
Have you told the homeopaths their products are deadly? I’ve seen so many declare them to be completely and utterly safe.
Maybe a 100CH dilution would be safe?
fool they do not put fluoride and mercury into animals and pets but the people yes. you people are worth less than the animals to the murderers! what ever they don’t put in animals they should not put into people you fool look at it that way fool!good bye this is my last response to you fools.
It would appear glaringly obvious, if somewhat anecdotal, that there is manifest evidence of a link between mercury fillings and mental impairment, in at least one subject not a million miles distant from this thread.
However, putting my slightly more humane head on my shoulders the alleged tentative mercury victim under discussion does seem to allude to the fact that he is dying ( somewhere in the stream of drivel above). Assuming he does not mean that in some existential way (man is born to die, living is merely putting off the inevitable) it might be sensible to refrain from pandering to his inadequacies.
In any case he is hardly likely to answer an effing direct question. Other than with more drivel.
Zeno, BSM and Mojo taking on this guy makes cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer look restrained.
Is it cruel and totally non-PC to laugh at nutjobs. Won’t stop me doing it.
It is a bit tricky. Should one interact with the potentially deranged online. On the one hand it’s cruel to mock the afflicted. On the other hand if they are presenting themselves as people insisting they be taken seriously in a public forum one feels it is fair to confront them. One problem is the sheer width of the grey zone inhabited by the innocently mistaken, the merely eccentric and the those with psychological pathology.
It is a dilemma. Should I allow posts from the deranged? To protect them, above all else.
who is the deranged the one who puts poison into people or the ones trying to stop the deranged from doing so?
I have had to interact with deranged dentists and doctors all my life who want to put poison in me every chance they get, I have had to put up with racism every day! but I am not angry about that calma will deal with that! I am angry at the continued use of known toxic poisons in innocent human beings! you lot have tried to make me sound deranged! but at close inspection my statements are made to cause a true reaction from you all Wether it be shock or what ever! in the next few months after fluoride poison and mercury in dental filings have been totally banned you lot will be among the group that was told before hand and did nothing but make a mockery of someone trying to help people by informing probably paid someone else to take your exams for you as well?
hahahhaha that was funny I feel more sorry for you than the planet your kind is looking for in space to pollute and destroy and spread like a parasite yes you spread your pollution lies and tall tales every where you go! you lot are pitiful and none of you capable of answering the questions in my ranting statements carry on experimenting and making viruses and new poisons! yes that is smart is it you fools! it is not the poison that is the problem it is the people that are so evil as to put the poisons into other people and not tell those people that they have have put the poison in them that is attempted murder in the eyes of every court in every land and yes i am the first to say so ,what did you think I was going to lay down and let people like you that come from apes like Darwin said you lot come from apes but not my lot my lot come from heaven straight to earth you fools you come from a primordial soup I do not you fools and i am not waiting for one of you to ell me anything about life you know nothing of the real world you have no soul no concept of spirit or the spirit of the earth you have no concept of outer space only what the ancients from Africa told you fools steal knowledge and make hell on earth fools you lot are beginning to detest me.
You need to get your ducks in a row (as much as a courtesy to our host as anything else).
1. The Germans never killed people with fluorine/fluoride. They started off with carbon monoxide and bullets And when they proved troublesome they moved onto hydrogen cyanide (Prussic acid). Apparently that was the humane alternative (for the perpetrators if not the victims).
2. Unless you are an extraterrestrial you are descended from exactly the same ancestors as everyone else on earth. Darwin never said we descended from apes. Please try to understand the one thing I can sensibly comment on here.
3. Could you possibly elaborate on exactly what Africans told science about cosmology? (don’t worry, I am only taking the piss)
4. I fear your last sentence in the above post may well be correct. I already do.
5. Paragraphs are a useful adjunct to comprehension.
John H,
I think Mr. ACF is referring to the oft-repeated myth that Hitler introduced fluoride into the public drinking water supply in order to “reduce IQ” or “keep the population docile.” It’s a trope that shows up on all the conspiracy nutjob sites like rense, and all the “truth about fluoride” (sic) sites out there.
As Nazi scientists were remarkably inventive and you could hardly call an SS Panzer Division “docile” I have a gut feeling that the fluoride didn’t work.
Still they all probably had nice teeth while they blitzkriged Europe, built rockets and jets and massacred millions of people.
you should seek help immediately or just get rid of your head and grow a new one final remark to all of you please stop bothering me now!
@ACF: You’re the one who keeps coming back here to avoid answering any questions.
I am actually tiered of you lot you make me more ill so that is it! I leave you all to your evil shameful devices worthless people who leave the innocent to die you are not men you are zombie slaves, every aspect of your lives has been predetermined! all the choices you made in your lives were predetermined by someone else from your birth your job your food your clothes the poison you can drink (alcohol) and the poison you cannot! that pathetic thing you call education turned you lot into the fools that you are I am not telling you where I come from I don’t ever want you or the other murderers to get there ever for you all there is no life after you have finished abusing your bodies no more life for you soulless loveless shells i will show you the same mercy you showed the innocent none. this is my final words to you! try and find your souls before its to late fools!
Thank fuck for small mercies.
AC, That was an unfair comment I just made.
I was looking forward to you telling us how:
1. You had turned the dismal pursuit of theology into a credible science by pinpointing the location of heaven (please do tell!)
2. You have managed to re-write microbiology
3. You have falsified evolution by natural selection by showing that a portion of humanity does not share common descent
4. You have major contributions to make to cosmology (not least the exact location of heaven – few people have managed to excite both theologians and astronomers)
Impressive work in just 18 lines of drivel.
Still, if you are tiered then I guess you are tiered.
would you prefer that I believe your brain wash education?
would you prefer me to believe Darwin rather, than my own history?
I will not see you in heaven or show you the way!
why are you trying to force the world to think the way that you want them to?
and force them to believe what you want them to believe?
some one else gave you all the choice selection of jobs you can choose from as a career!
your food is chosen by a stockist!
your whole life has been manufactured? serfs in serfdom and you are so docile you do not realise?????
u r smart yere a smart car is smarter?
slaves, well are we all slaves then you ask! huh not me I do not trust or follow any thing you people produce I would be a nutter to if I ate what you ate and drank what you drank!
I would be as sick as the lot of you! and I don’t believe what you report to believe myths and theories fools nothing more?
you are as smart as your gun yere you understand violence don’t you?
so I do not do what you lot do that is my secret to survival.
more predetermined choices you fools think you have freedom of choice you can only choose from what they tell you that you can choose from fools?
the legal toxic drugs you can buy and the illegal toxic drugs you can buy!
the food the manufacturers can sell is predetermined by customs and
and the list goes on, you lot are products and pawns who keep the wheels of murder and destruction anti life and poverty turning? what is the meaning of your lives?
you have no spiritual insights! no soul so you have no value of the life of another being? because you have no thought or feeling for the after life? and now I do not wish you to have any enlightenment of any kind,
why don’t all of you just go to another planet quick a planet like mercury you would fit right in there.
then we would have peace and no people wondering Wether they should put poison in humans or not? and no more people destroying the planet like a virus?
ACF: I thought you were going to leave us to our ‘evil shameful devices’?
you don’t think you are a puppet you only react you do not have original thought i have left my two year old child to deal with you?
So, we can expect the quality of the discussion to improve significantly. I look forward to this infant prodigy’s first contribution.
daddy said I should expect remarks like that but I am also ready for you guys, so lets get going, daddy said you guys don’t know why you are on earth and you don’t know the meaning of your lives and your past is something you want to forget so I can answer any question you like before my bed time should be easy as peasy
I’m game.
Tell us how much mercury enters the human body from having one filling installed and then living with it in place. Compare that with the established doses of mercury for different toxic effects.
that statement of yours relies on the lie! that there is a safe level of mercury poison for humans. there is no safe level in the human body for mercury poison.
plus it is not possible to generalise individual levels of mercury poison because every bodies eating and drinking habits are different.
First I would like to say it has been proven by scientists that are not on the payroll of Mafia clubs like Colgate and al cola, FDA, NHS, BDA, MHRA,
oh yes we know who is receiving money to keep up these lies!
so in answer to your query my daddy wont let me have any thing with poison in it and I feel fine I am sorry that you have been poisoned.
I think you should ask the people who poisoned you for more information and help like the manufacturers health warning that comes with the poison capsule that will help you a lot you don’t seem to smart? I know you are scared of having the filings in you but being scared wont stop it poisoning you just remove it and put a safe filing in you are rather boring I am not surprised my dad has had enough of you lot he calls you all compost.
So, if someone with amalgam fillings breathes out and I breath in one molecule of his mercury, will that kill me? How long have I got?
I am a child even I know that it will kill me slowly if I BREATH small particles any size it is more lethal than arsenic and lead.
ACF: I didn’t ask you about ‘small particles’; I asked you about one molecule of mercury.
Even a nano particle is dangerous, you are a time waster no wonder my dad has had enough, even my friends know that! is there some thing wrong with you? admittance is part of the cure you know pal.
Dear ACF Junior
Nice try little one but not strictly true. Just in case it crops up in your homework arsenic is easily the most poisonous as 120-200mg will kill you more or less immediately.
Lead and mercury are more problematic as they tend to accumulate in the body and kill over the longer term. Lead will probably kill you at 30gr/dl. Mercury will probably kill you at between 10-60 mg per kg of body weight.
If you have problems with the numbers don’t bother asking your dad. Ask someone who admits to being from Planet Earth.
I am glad to report to you that straight mercury poison will almost kill you instantly if exposed to it in the same way as arsenic it has been proven that it is more toxic than lead and arsenic I do wish you would check up to date clinical medical and scientific facts before contesting my reports my mummy is getting worried about you guys! she said she feels sorry for you all, but I don’t mind playing with you.
ACF, one of your many problems is your failure to pay attention to what we are actually talking about. Try to answer the question you have been asked not some other one you invented.
ACF: Yet again, I didn’t ask you about a ‘nano particle’; I asked you about one molecule of mercury.
why are you so fussy if a nano particle can kill then simple common logic tells you a molecule will my school friends will be shocked at this line of questioning any way may be there is a meaning to your questions we will see.
ACF said:
Fortunately, your version of ‘common logic’ isn’t so common.
However, now you’ve finally said that one molecule is fatal, how long have we all got?
That depends on your life style habits and what other poisons you allow to be put into you or in this case deceitfully Put into you, It also depends on how much fish you eat and what type it depends on Wether or not you live next to a crematorium, it depends on how long it has been leaking poison vapours into your brain, it depends on how many poison filings you have, and how big they are. why haven’t you at least had a 24 hour urine test it will give you an idea of the toxic levels in your major organs as mercury and mercury vapour has an affinity towards the major organs, I state the same for grade 2 listed toxic poison mono sodium fluoride in your toothpaste.
Wow! That took a long time, but we got there in the end.
I also would like to know how quickly one molecule of mercury will take to kill me.
I’d also like to know what symptoms and signs to expect to warn me of my impending doom.
Thank you in anticipation of your lucid and comprehensive answer.
the first symptoms for fools is denial denial denial you do not even realise you have lost already you can not even convince a 2 year old to accept your crap I suppose its true you can not teach old stinky dogs new tricks, oh its time for me to eat my non gm food and drink my purified water that my intelegent dad makes sure I do not get poisoned like you fools later and i would not like to be any of you rude fools!
I suppose saying that one molecule will kill you puts him one up on his dad, who says above that no molecules would be deadly.
And at some point I expect he’ll figure out that a molecule is smaller than a “nanoparticle”, not bigger.
Don’t you just hate family arguments, Mojo?
(Modified Version-Hopefully not requiring moderation))
Dear ACF Junior
You just don’t get it do you. The numbers I quoted were from reputable medical/toxicological sources. You are more than welcome to do your own research.
If we look at those numbers and apply the averages to a ten stone man we can see that 160mg of arsenic would prove fatal.
The fatal dose for mercury would by approx. 2230mg (can’t do a mu on this KB). Fourteen times as much. Please get your Mum to check the sums as your dad is a fecking eejit (given the BSM Seal Of Approval for Non-Logical Fallacy Ad Hom! Admittedly awarded for Iqbal but it still holds true for your dad).
Even then, whilst I am sure that the arsenic would kill you, such a tiny amount of mercury might not. Quicksilver, in much larger quantities, used to be given to people suffering from constipation – presumably on the basis that it would bulldoze its way through their gut. It didn’t cure constipation and it didn’t kill the patient, at least not in a hurry.
Mercury vapour is far more dangerous so that might work. However you are pretty unlikely to come into contact with it – unless you are dim enough to heat it and inhale the fumes (feasible enough in a slipshod factory).
Now ask your mum for a mug of cocoa, brush your toothy pegs, get mum to tuck you up for bye byes and tell your halfwit dad to go away.
I know quacks like you tend to get people tied up in stupid conversations and debates about useless details,
have you not heard the devil is in the details!
the devil does not even want you lot in hell that’s why you are looking for another planet!
there is a cure you fools you do not have to lay down and take your poison from your state masters you stupid slaves!
Shouldn’t that be grain alcohol and rainwater?
Dear Mr ACF and Junior ACF
You really do have a bee in your bonnet over fluorine, lead, arsenic and mercury don’t you.
Unfortunately the bee seems to be as peculiar as you are.
Do you have any idea at all how many molecules of those elements you actually have in your body? You seem to think you have none but you do have rather a lot. All humans do. Your body is not quite the temple of purity you seem to think it is.
Hang on! I forgot that you did not evolve like the rest of humanity but are descended from the Nephilim and beamed down from Heaven.
I was going to help you out by telling you roughly how many mollykules of nasty stuff you had in your Nephilim inspired holy temple.
I think that in the circumstances it might be best to draw our discussion to a close.
Having re-read some of your posts I am genuinely sorry about your experience of racism. Hopefully you will have read the general response to racism in Steiner schools here on the Quackometer. It is not something most civilised people are prepared to tolerate.
I assume you are not in fact dying (although you might easily have been) so I wish you good health and hope life works out well for you. Don’t worry too much about the nasty stuff – you have more atoms of each of them in your body than there are grains of sand on earth. And you don’t seem to be dead yet, well not below the neck anyway.
EXCUSE ME SIR none of the fore mentioned poisons are substances naturally found in the body,
for example we find iron in the body,
these poisons mentioned are alien to the human body,
please state facts because if some one were to take you seriously they could harm themselves,
And don’t feel sorry for me I know my future and I know heaven,
I want to finish with this body naturally not by the hand that administers poison,
honestly we wish all of you knew heaven! so then we would all live in peace but that is not up to me,
ACF has descended into full ALL-CAPS wackaloonery and really does seem to think he’s from another planet.
I’m giving up at this point.
the only aliens on this planet are the ones who destroy it and pollute it. I am even surprised to see that you think you have achieved something in the last 1000 years,
what have you achieved that did not cost human life?
you think industrial revolution is progress?
or do you think science has achieved something?
science created the viruses and cancer? the curiosity of science is the worlds biggest problem, we will keep the good bit of science and get rid of the idiots doing stupid Frankenstein research,
the history of the world proves people from the past were much smarter than you lot the health was better than your health now fools.
Dear ACF Junior
You just don’t get it do you. The numbers I quoted were from reputable medical/toxicological sources. You are more than welcome to do your own research.
If we look at those numbers and apply the averages to a ten stone man we can see that 160mg of arsenic would prove fatal.
The fatal dose for mercury would by approx. 2230mg (can’t do a mu on this KB). Fourteen times as much. Please get your Mum to check the sums as your dad is a fecking eejit (given the BSM Seal Of Approval for Non-Logical Fallacy Ad Hom! Admittedly awarded for Iqbal but it still holds true for your dad).
Even then, whilst I am sure that the arsenic would kill you, such a tiny amount of mercury might not. Quicksilver, in much larger quantities, used to be given to people suffering from constipation – presumably on the basis that it would bulldoze its way through their gut. It didn’t cure constipation and it didn’t kill the patient, at least not in a hurry.
Mercury vapour is far more dangerous so that might work. However you are pretty unlikely to come into contact with it – unless you are dim enough to heat it and inhale the fumes (feasible enough in a slipshod factory).
Now ask your mum for a mug of cocoa, brush your toothy pegs, get mum to tuck you up for bye byes and tell your halfwit dad to fuck off.
o ooh when mummy speaks to you lot it will be the final words for us all!
OK then ACF.
Let’s look at the facts sir, just the facts.
It takes a few minutes to find a table detailing the chemical composition of the human body. That is the average composition across all humans, not people who work in lead smelting or mercury refining.
It would appear that a 70kg person has about 6.7 times ten to the 27 atoms in them, give or take a few.
Using the atomic percentage rather than weight that person will have the following:
– fluorine 0.0012%
– lead 0.0000045%
– arsenic 8.9 x 10 to the minus 8
– mercury – the same as arsenic but less by weight
Bung the numbers into 42 or Wolfram Alpha and you get:
– fluorine. 8×10 to the 24
– lead. 3 x 10 to the 22
– arsenic. 5.6 x 10 to the 22
– mercury. Same as arsenic
(some numbers are rounded as absolute precision is not the point).
Wolfram Alpha also gives you interesting comparisons as these sorts of numbers are sometimes difficult to relate to. For each of these calculations it gives the same comparison – that the estimated number of grains of sand on the entire earth is somewhere between ten to the power of twenty and ten to the twenty four. It is probably difficult counting them exactly.
So the number of atoms (not molecules) of each of those four nasties present in your body is roughly the same as all the grains of sand in the world.
Not such a temple of purity now.
I realise that (a) I have probably made a mistake somewhere, but I am happy to be corrected and (b) the biochemical composition of the Nephilim may vary somewhat, possibly caused by alchemical transmutation whilst being beamed down from Sirius.
I already stuffed it up. Arsenic and mercury should be to the power of 20, not 22. Bad typing.
Bloody typical Muphry’s Law strikes again.
please try harder! you have reported dodgy estimates and you have ignored the obvious,
probably you are trying to get me into another stupid debate!
The levels you have discussed are levels of modern exposure to these toxic substances,
which is a descriptor of the body burden of poison!
BODY burden the substances we have mentioned are not naturally found in the human body,
and certainly man made synthetic substances and gm substances that affect the genes and DNA should all be banned!
And everyone should have a heavy metal detox?
You have not answered the question.
Look, you may only be 2 years old, but please try to concentrate. This is a very specific question on something in which you think you an expert.
Tell us how much mercury enters the human body from having one filling installed and then living with it in place. Compare that with the established doses of mercury for different toxic effects.
And answer Alan as well.
Is the kid from outer space too?
Inner space ACTUALLY your brain would not comprehend the distance or how it is possible we are here to help heal the world from the bad people who want it all for them selves.
Dear ACF Junior
Congratulations on being so literate for a two year old.
Your comments are far more lucid and concise than those of your father. Try to retain that brevity throughout your life.
As your father is remarkably averse to answering direct questions perhaps we can work on the basis of “out of the mouths of babes and sucklings”.
So give us a clue as to the distance. You can write it out as big long words or (if you have learnt sums) you can write it out as a number times ten to the power of something. We can cope with very very big numbers.
Hope I catch you before cocoa and bedtime.
PS If you’re asked any hard questions, best ask your Mummy for help.
It makes sense now: the literacy level of ACF’s postings is consistent with a two-year-old’s writing ability.
ACF Junior clearly never went to a Steiner school!
I should warn you that if you tell us that we will die in less than 20 years from one molecule of mercury then you’re going to need a seance to contact me for any further discussion. Perhaps you should put your favourite psychic on a retainer just to be on the safe side.
Yours ethereally
I know some other people that twist other persons statements, will you stop twisting my words,
mercury and fluoride poison kills any human cells that it comes in contact with fools.
What more do you need to know fools,
just stop poisoning the world the people the land the sky the water the air the stratosphere and stay away from space it does not want you.
you cannot even come up with a new system just repeat the same crap generation after generation fools.
why do you base success on them being poor and have nots and you being rich with the lot, you are just blots of acid burning your way through flesh and nature
you are anti life! and boring,
I’m just fascinated to learn that they have dentists in the UK…
what dentists NHS DENTISTS are not dentists they are paid not to tell the public what the nhs knew all along the manufacturers health warnings that come with the poison products that they put into the public then they hold back all the vital information people need to take care of them selves and there family?
I have the permission of PROFESSOR Trevor Sheldon MSc MSc DSc FmedSci to use this his personal statement MOJO.
Department of Health Studies
Innovation Centre
York Science Park
University Road
York YO10 5DG
In my capacity of chair of the Advisory Group for the systematic review on the effects of water fluoridation recently conducted by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination the University of York and as its founding director, I am concerned that the results of this review have been widely misrepresented.
The review was exceptional in this field. In that it was conducted by an independent group to the highest international scientific standards and a summary has been published in the British Medical Journal. It is particularly worrying then that statements which mislead the public about the re view’s findings have been made in press releases and briefings by the British Dental Association, British Medical Association, the National Alliance for Equity in Dental Health and the British Fluoridation Society. I should like to correct some of these errors:
1. Whilst there is evidence that water fluoridation is effective at reducing caries, the quality of the studies was generally moderate and the size of the estimated benefit, only of the order of 15%, is far from “massive”.
2. The review found water fluoridation to be significantly associated with high levels of dental fluorosis, which was not characterised as “just a cosmetic issue”.
3. The review did not show water fluoridation to be safe. The quality of the research was too poor to establish with confidence whether or not there are potentially important adverse effects in addition to the high levels of fluorosis. The report recommended that more research was needed.
4. There was little evidence to show that water fluoridation has reduced social inequalities in dental health.
5. The review could come to no conclusion as to the cost-effectiveness of water fluoridation or whether there are different effects between natural or artificial fluoridation.
6. Probably because of the rigour with which this review was conducted, these findings are more cautious and less conclusive than in most previous reviews.
7. The review team was surprised that in spite of the large number of studies carried out over several decades there is a dearth of reliable evidence with which to inform policy. Until high quality studies are undertaken providing more definitive evidence, there will continue to be legitimate scientific controversy over the likely effects and costs of water fluoridation.
Professor Trevor Sheldon MSc MSc DSc FmedSci
You know, it is a pity when ideas little supported by evidence are found by some to be more interesting than those that are. There may be several reasons for this: it requires fairly high intellectual and educational skills in order to evaluate evidence; “facts are boring” (for facts, read school); when you are sick, available treatments are often ineffective (from many chronic modern diseases of general unhappiness and poor functioning through to most metastatic cancer); conspiracies are entertaining…etc, etc.
However, as an enthusiast for democracy (a system that allows people who are mostly ill-informed and/or disinterested to make the biggest decisions by weight of numbers alone) I would suggest that there are other factors at work, and not all of these will make easy reading for scientists, and especially for doctors. Here’s the dirty little secret: most major diseases are lifestyle-related, but doctors are given all of the money and the power to “treat” them, when really this is an absurd allocations of resources. “Am I irrational?”, I hear you ask?
Well, take, for example, diabetes, where at least 90% of cases have been shown in the large nurses’ study (published here in the New England Journal of Medicine) to be lifestyle related. The actual figure is probably much higher since only five major lifestyle parameters were included.
Or the major study (published here in The Lancet that provides compelling evidence that 90% of heart attacks in men and 94% in women, the biggest killer in the western world, are caused by nine potentially modifiable risk factors, six of them ‘lifestyle’ factors (smoking, drinking, weight, diet, exercise, body fat distribution measured by waist-hip ratio) and the other three, abnormal lipids, hypertension or diabetes and psychosocial stress, are themselves strongly statistically related to lifestyle.
In these circumstances, is it not possible that we are making a mistake investing such enormous resources in the search for remarkable high-tech cures for diseases which would almost certainly be more effectively, and vastly less expensively, addressed in other ways. Indeed, most of the most effective treatments for the most common illnesses could be more cheaply and probably effectively administered by trained laymen.
And if so much disease is caused by lifestyle, and since lifestyle is so affected by self-esteem, perhaps homoeopaths, who actually LISTEN to their patients, may do more good than many doctors, even if their treatments are only placebo? It is time that we reconsider what we mean by the word “rational”. I’ve written an article on the subject of the definition of the word rational here: the rational person – and my contention is that only a part of the definition of the word “rational” ought to be allocated to the ability to evaluate evidence. Otherwise, we make of ourselves computers, little more, and poorly functioning, slow and resource-greedy ones at that!
Here’s another “dirty little secret”: your “dirty little secret” is no secret, even if apologists for CAM would like people to think it is.
Do you seriously imagine that doctors don’t advise their patients not to smoke, to drink in moderation, to take exercise, to control their weight…
You quackers act intelligent but are grade 2 poisoned by fluoride and mercury LEAD, plus all the other man made poisons that are in you by deceit and injection makes you all mentally impaired and docile,
It is pitiful to see people defend poison if you do so out of ignorance is no excuse?
It is shameful if you defend it because you profit from it?
life imprisonment is waiting for you!
It is like the Palestinian problem you just let Israel run England-USA through the banksters and let the poor suffer?
you have just stood back and given billions to Israel to do your dirty work.
While the banksters hold the UK tax payer to ransom?
who do we owe the deficit to?
why are they pressuring us to pay up quick causing all this pain?
I thought mercury was made in supernovae, but I now to ACF’s evident expertise in the field of nucleosynthesis. Apparently we did it. Who’d ‘ave thunked it.
you lot make me laugh sometimes I tell you I cant wait until it all comes out in the media all the truth?
What? The truth about the supernovae or your secret nucleosynthesis reactor?
By the way, when people say they “can’t wait” I am always left wondering what they propose to do as an alternative. Do you have a time machine as well as your nucleosynthesiser?
I expect your basement’s a bit full. Perhaps you should evict some of the bats in your belfry to make some space. Just a helpful hint.
Did you check out Peter’s business? He sells “touch psychotherapy”…sheesh.
Doctors and dentists continue to choose not to tell the public of the dangers of heavy metal poisoning!
They continue to say the cause of the illness is unknown! when they damn well know they have ignored the manufacturers health warnings you fools!
now mojo do not ask me that again be a man or what ever you are and stop the denial and face reality fool!
Déjà vu, but why do you believe dentists want to poison our children?
u tell me you fool why why why is that the best you can do
why did the western world destroy half the natural world in just a few years
why did you create bombs guns tanks why? fool
ACF said:
I didn’t.
Why do you believe dentists want to poison our children?
ACF said:
Nope. You’ve still completely failed to answer my very simple question.
I asked why you thought they poison children; you answered saying that they did it to you and they continue to do it. Can you see that that is not an answer my question? WHY do you believe they poison our children?
You really are stupid aren’t you?
They put known poison THYMERSOL AND ALUMINUM injections and poison filings into adults and children and then they choose!
Not to tell the parents of the children they have put in the poison! Then they hold back the manufacturers health warnings why?
Then they fail to tell the adult public of the health warnings AND THAT THEY HAVE put poison into there bodies they WILL BE ARRESTED!!!
Nope. You’ve STILL not answered my question, have you? You keep telling us what you believe they do, but you’ve not said WHY you believe they do it.
There pension is more important than going against NHS Mafia guide lines and policy.
And more important than ethics you …………………….dot
ACF, I think you are misunderstanding Alan’s question. He is asking you what you think their motivation is, not your reasons for believing they do it. I’ll rephrase it:
Why, in your opinion, do dentists poison children? What do they get out of it?
Alas, Mojo, only in an ideal world. My own experience and that of people to whom I have spoken (as sample group that does not attain statistical significance, and is not a large, randomised, controlled trial – but I hope that you can make reasonable allowance for that…) is that this is a practice “more honoured in the breach than in the observance”.
In any event, it is certainly not doctors that I am blaming for this state of affairs. My main contention is that the allocation of resources is inappropriately skewed when a “rational” analysis is made of the chief causes of disease. People with other skills, such as the ability to listen to people with genuine care and respect, and with more time to spare (qualities often reflected in practitioners of CAM, even where the treatments offered may not be disease-modifying) may actually prove more helpful overall than medical treatment.
Interestingly, this has been subjected to a a large, randomised, controlled trial, here in the New England Journal of Medicine in which lifestyle modification as administered by relatively “lowly” para-medical staff was vastly more effective in the treatment of diabetes than any known medical intervention.
But what makes you think that CAM practitioners are going to give better advice than doctors? Many forms of CAM use a “magic pill” approach rather than anything that could be described as holistic.
For example, in the Newsnight report about homoeopaths prescribing remedies to prevent malaria, how many of the homoeopaths recommended preventative methods such as mosquito nets?
The only nets we need is for European greed and corruption?
No, nets for fish are a good idea.
they get paid to poison us you ………………..
Damn those pesky fish!
I am shocked at the low level of intellect on this site?
You make drugs that have bad side effects,
you feed drug addicts with another addictive drug?
you legalise the most deadly drug alcohol?
And make poison to which you administer to children!
You poison the land the air the water and you want respect.
You will get the respect you need behind bars when the long arm of the lord and law grabs you?
peter? logic! poison in the body? or no poison in the body? the logical choice is easy.
so why is it that you and your friends can not deal with even the simplest logic?
why should I expect more from you lot? I don’t know! you have not even stopped playing at war games yes as long as some one else does the dieing you just give the orders?
I thought mercury was made in supernovae, but I bow to ACF’s evident expertise in the field of nucleosynthesis. Apparently we did it. Who’d ‘ave thunked it.
what a load of crap you have done nothing first in this world.
except you are the first living thing to create to destroy the world and other worlds you will get what you deserve the fruits of all your stupid labour and inventions?
I cant wait until it all comes out in the media all the truth…
But…but…but…I thought the media was supressing the truth? Isn’t the media part of the conspiracy? Y’know, the bankers, the illuminati,the media…all working together to keep the truth away from the masses? Isn’t that how the playbook goes?
you think I want to converse with you or communicate with fools like you?
I am teaching many people about people like you! and you lot have played your parts very well I thank you all for your stupid input and your stupid attitude!
These are people that we can all see? Teaching your imaginary friends doesn’t count.
That is definitely the worst shaved monkey I have ever seen in my life. It looks more like a dog.
Sshh, not too loud. She thinks she’s people.
The I was playing round with Gravatar and couldn’t find the picture I use at JREF where BSM was born.
you think I want to converse with you or communicate with fools like you?
Then why do you keep doing it? Nobody is forcing you to post here.
Yes but but but your media is suppressing the truth the Zionist media the bilderberge media the Mafia media is lieing you twat?
Jeezus H Krist.
I go off for a weeks R&R in the Black Forest (R&R being my euphemism for eating and drinking) and ACF is still at it when I get back.
ACF – you score big for persistence.
Alas you get null points for anything resembling clarity, use of English, reasoning or understanding.
Can you really be so dim as to believe all the rubbish you spout (being an alien, global conspiracies, 100% of quack medicines work, filllings poison you, mercury is radioactive etc etc ) or are you just being stupidly obtuse.
Or are you just a genuine fruitcake.
I don’t know, but every time we slice him we come up with sultanas and glacé cherries.
Slicing him up – now there’s an attractive thought. It would require a big knife to get through the solid nutty exterior.
I rather missed him whilst on my sojourn with the Hun. There is something delightfully mental about him.
Assuming he is not just some troll trying to appear dimmer than he actually is he surely takes the biscuit for the nuttiest fruitcake Le Canard has ever attracted.
Semi-professional nutjobs like Dullman are one thing but they tend to be a bit monomaniacal about one type of drivel – their preferred brand of quackery. They probably believe in all sorts of other nonsense but tend to stay focused on their preferred lunacy.
Good old ACF has swallowed just about every lunatic conspiracy theory trope, meme, quack idea and concept ever put forward. Just reading his posts is a phenomenal trawl through advanced stupidity.
He seems immune to discussion or rationality. He is fundamentally incapable of answering the simplest question. Michael Shermer could get an entire book out of ACF – “Why ACF Belives Weird Shit (All Of It)”.
It is difficult to believe that in this day and age a person can be so nuts. He appears vaguely literate but does not seem to be able to use that skill in any meaningful way.
I am torn between desperately wanting him to go away and wanting to see what else there is that he could possibly believe in.
Let’s face it – the calibre of contributor went up significantly when he showed up. How many other trolls has LC had who come from Heaven.
I will miss my Nephilim friend when he goes (which could be any day now given that he has more than one molecule of mercury in his body – notwithstanding it’s radioactivity).
Bye bye ACF
I hesitate to invoke Poe’s Law in general, but especially in this instance. Deliberately to maintain a pretence of being this nuts would itself be really quite nuts.
Come on, ACF, which do you want it to be? Do you admit to playing games or shall we carry on as if you are sincere in your various wild conspiracy theories and whacko ideas about science? It doesn’t matter to me either way.
I ACCEPT that compliment badly shaved monkey!
you are now my B BF.
flattery will get you every where today not tomorrow
I have been to the black forest to there was nothing black there but it was peace full.
The other researchers and medical professionals working on this project find what you lot say comedy so keep it up we expect nothing from you lot only more poison solutions to poison hahahahahahah
So please keep up the stupidity
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Thank Christ for that.