Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know: Part 2
Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know: Part 1
Brighton Sceptics and the Reece’s Pieces
Getting AI to write a Thesis on Transgender and Non-binary Archaeology.
The Muddling of the American Mind – Part II
The Muddling of the American Mind: Part I
On the Sex Deracination Gambit
The Decline and Fall of Science-based Medicine
On the Ontology and Epistemology of Sex
Hopi Ear Candling – Removing the Grey Goo Between Your Ears
by Andy L in featured 183
Quacks like to tell us that their healing arts are thousands of years old and based on ancient principles that have withstood the test of time. Like most things in their advertising spiel, it is a canard and does not bear any resemblance to the truth. Reiki, Reflexology, Osteopathy and [read more...]
On the The Reckless Physicking of Amateur Females.
by Andy L in featured 35
It would appear to be important for homeopaths to show how the rich, blue blooded and famous are supporters of homeopathy. One might suggest that in lieu of meaningful scientific evidence for homeopathy, appeals to the beliefs of the influential and celebrities are all that are left. Dana Ullman, America’s [read more...]