The Decline and Fall of Science-based Medicine

7th July, 2021 19

The philosophy of science-based medicine (SBM) is a response to perceived shortcomings in the practice of evidence-based medicine. EBM is the movement that strives to make medical treatments less dependent on the authority and experience of doctors, and instead put authority in the best available clinical evidence for that treatment. “EBM is the conscientious, explicit, judicious and reasonable use of modern, best evidence in making decisions about the care of [read more…]

On the Ontology and Epistemology of Sex

9th April, 2021 19

Much confusion appears to exist in popular discussion about the nature of sex. This has political importance at the moment, most visibly in recognition of people with trans identities in law and society. Confusions abound around conflations of the terms sex and gender, but, most fundamentally, about what a sex is, and what it means for an organism, animal or human, to have a sex. What is a sexed body? [read more…]

Scepticism and The Social Ubiquity of Magical Thinking

24th February, 2021 2

An essential read for any sceptic is the early 19th Century classic, The Golden Bough by Cambridge Scholar Sir James Fraser. Fraser set out to catalogue, describe and categorise the various forms of magic and religion around the world. It is a dense and rich book full of all sorts of traditions, beliefs, rituals and rites. The book sets out the principles of Sympathetic Magic early on. Sympathetic Magic is [read more…]

The Two World-Views of Puberty Blockers.

8th October, 2020 7

A Judicial Review is being brought in England by ex-patient Kiera Bell against the NHS Tavistock Gender clinic. At dispute is whether or not children can consent to the life-changing effects of taking puberty blockers as result of believing they are ‘transgender’. On either side of this case are two very different world-views. 1) The first sees being trans as some sort of deeply intrinsic human state where our True [read more…]

The Capture of Nature

3rd September, 2020 50

Nature is recognised as one of the world’s most prestigious and cited academic journals. It publishes weekly a set of original peer reviewed research articles with accompanying editorials, scientific news and comment. Some of those comment articles have recently included a strange disclaimer. In July 2020, a news item reported on “The gender gap in cystic fibrosis”. The article noted how women appear to have poorer outcomes than men, and [read more…]

On the existence of females

8th June, 2020 54

This post has been adapted from a twitter thread. Some time ago, I lived in a house that had a number of peafowl living in the garden. (Long story). They used to come in the house and steal my cats’ food. We can tell this is a female peafowl – a peahen – because she is busy feeding the children and not squawking and strutting around outside with show-off feathers. [read more…]

Iran Fooled by Fake Coronavirus Detector

15th April, 2020 4

Reports are emerging of a new device developed by the Iran Revolutionary Guard that can detect coronavirus “within a radius of about 100 meters”. Major General Hossein Salami, Commander-in-chief of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, has demonstrated the handheld gun-like device with a long arial, and how it contained a ‘polarised virus’ that could ‘create a magnetic field [that] will point towards coronavirus anywhere within a radius [read more…]

Tribal Scepticism

3rd January, 2020 23

So, Rebecca Watson of @skepchicks has produced a video calling JK Rowling a ‘bigoted fuckface’. She comes to this conclusion because the Harry Potter author defended Maya Forstater after Maya lost an employment tribunal over her beliefs that sex is binary and immutable. [read more…]

Steiner Free Schools Transferring to Hindu Academy Trust

20th June, 2019 13

You will recall that the government in the UK has ordered emergency inspections into all UK Steiner Schools, whether they are private schools, Academies or Free Schools. This was prompted by appalling safeguarding failures at a number of these schools which suggest a common pattern inherent within the Steiner system. Three of Michael Gove’s new Free Steiner Schools (Frome, Exeter and Bristol) have been deemed to be unable to correct [read more…]

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