Skeptics’ Circle #72: You Very Naughty Girls and Boys.

25th October, 2007 7

Right. Skeptic Class. Stop what you are doing. Silence. Stop Talking. iPods out of your ears. Orac – no more insolence from you. Are you chewing? You are all here in detention class because I have been hearing very bad things about all of you. You have all brought shame on the Skeptics’ Circle. Now swallow your fish oil pills and listen. Your essays you have just handed in the [read more…]

An Allergy to Truth

24th October, 2007 5

According to Allergy UK, they are “a national medical charity established to represent the views and needs of people with allergy, food intolerance and chemical sensitivity.” Amongst their aims they say they are there to Enabl[e] people with allergy, food intolerance and chemical sensitivity to receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment through education of healthcare professionals and the provision of dedicated services. Allergy UK give awards to services they feel help [read more…]

Malarial Shaped Holes

23rd October, 2007 5

That BBC Newsnight Video Again… more info from the BBC And James Randi giving his witty insights into homeopathic ‘thinking’.

No Logos

21st October, 2007 5

Bach Flower Essences are a sort of homeopathic flower essence made with brandy. As such, what you buy is just pure (cheap) brandy. Their medicinal quality is limited to what a few drops of brandy can do for you. But have just issued a press release telling us how Naomi Klein, prominent critic of our globalised brand-oriented consumer culture, appears to be a big fan of Bach Flower remedies. [read more…]

Homeopathic Thought in the 21st Century

12th October, 2007 16

Some of you around here may have noticed that homeopaths are feeling a little threatened at the moment. Some have responded to the perceived threats with rather impolite and aggressive behaviour. Others are setting up new campaigns. A new web site has appeared in the last few days called Homeopathy: Medicine of the 21st Century. (I won’t link to it, they do not need the Google points, but you can [read more…]

Joy’s Homeopathy Shack

5th October, 2007 7

This is the work of warped mind, Rudis Muiznieks. Go to his site now. Bookmark. Here are afew more of my favourites… Remind you of anyone in the UK? Remind you of any homeopaths? The MMR fiasco explained in three cartoon panels. As if a complementary therapist would say such things… Ooops. Have I offended anyone?

The Quackometer: Banned!

5th October, 2007 9

At last, the Quackometer has been banned by the Net Authority. I feel justified and vindicated. This website has been investigated by Net Authority, and has been found to be in violation of the Internet Acceptable Use Policy by posting the following kinds of content: Hateful material Blasphemy Offensive political material Bestiality and/or interracial relationships Be cautioned! This website contains strongly offensive material and is not suitable for young children. [read more…]

Holland & Barrett: Quacks and Shark Killers

3rd October, 2007 28

Here’s something that I feel passionate about. Le Canard Noir is a diving duck and has just come back from a diving holiday. Most divers I meet have developed a special sense of awareness of the fragility of the underwater environment and many of my scuba friends are involved with conservation projects. We see things non-divers do not: damaged reefs, bleached reefs, discarded nets, rubbish, hooks in fish, and disturbingly, [read more…]

Look Into My Lies, Not Around My Lies

26th September, 2007 4

Paul McKenna, hypnotist, has fallen foul of the Advertising Standards Authority by claiming in print that his methods are ” … the most effective weight loss system available. Lose weight and keep it off … “. Today, the ASA upheld a complaint and told him not to repeat this claim as he had failed to produce satisfactory evidence to support his marketing. His claims were unsubstantiated. All this is pretty [read more…]

Patrick Holford’s Advertising Standards

19th September, 2007 7

Poor Patrick Holford. Doing business has its ups and downs and, alternative nutritionist and pill salesman Patrick, has his own fair share of business successes and failures at the moment. He has recently sold himself to NeutraHealth for £464,000. Quite an achievement; maybe not so poor Patrick. But he is also increasing coming under more and more criticism for his ideas on nutrition. A Google search of ‘Patrick Holford’ shows [read more…]

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